How exactly do you remove the takedown screw from the receiver? The one I have in the shop does not want to pull free or unscrew.
There is a “Takedown Screw Retainer” Receiver Bushing Maybe Threaded. Once that is off should come apart. May have to use oil and some heat too. TC
I have the gun apart. I just want to remove the screw so I can refinish the receiver. I see from the schematic on Numeric that are two bushings. I saw a video on You Tube and the guy just pulled the screw out of the receiver. But then you can see anything on You Tube. Thanks Frank
Question follow up
Not sure that was a good idea. I put the heat to it and the screw come out but it messed up the threads on the screw. It go back in but will not screw all the way into the other side. I think I messed up the threads in the receiver. Anybody now what thread pitch the screw is? Frank
Got the threads on the screw and threads in the receiver fixed with a 12×32 tap and die.
Thinking back on the pro course I think on some of these takedown gun the takedown screw can be removed by continuing to back out the screw and like I said some can be pulled out. I now remember having one of these in before and I damaged the threads on the screw getting it out. So I really don’t know what exactly is going on. Why is it so hard to get these out? Frank
Frank, if you need new bushings for one of these….contact Al Bolduc (The Gun Garage) 479-524-2038. He has both, and they are not the same….the one on the side the holding the screw has a little piece of steel rod that goes in when you put the bushing in….that little rod is what holds the screw so it doesn’t fall out. He has both bushings, and the little rod. The bushings are just driven in/out.
It should simply unscrew from the bushing in the side of the receiver….why yours does not I don’t know. Ken
It did unscrew from the side opposite from the head but did not unscrew without damage from the head side. Frank
It should have unscrewed from that side as well. Ken