Has anyone found a fix for this trigger? On the Colt, you can reverse the reset spring, makes the trigger heavier, but virtually eliminates the reset issue. Brian
What is actually happening? And is this a new gun or older one that used to work? I’ve seen a few that were so dirty the reset spring was blocked. You can push the trigger forward to get it to reset, but it won’t reset on its own. The other thing I have seen is that shooters are riding the trigger and don’t allow it to fully reset, which results in it not firing. This is kind of true on any revolver and is more of an operator error than anything.
You can buy different rate trigger return springs. Many smiths will change the reset spring weight as part of a trigger job, though they usually are lightening the spring. I remember someone offering an adjustable trigger stop for Ruger revolvers (Grant Cunningham maybe?), and replacing the spring was usually part of installing the trigger stop. As with any firearm though, you have to fix what is wrong and not just replace parts hoping something fixes the gun. Jeff
I find trigger shims often help the trigger move more freely and reset easier. How much gap between the trigger and frame and how much scraping along the sides of the trigger? Some smoothing of parts inside often helps. I’ve seen some real bad SP 101 factory fit and finish. Look for what is stopping the forward movement and correct it and polish it. Randy
Find or figure out why the trigger won’t return/reset and fix it. Could be a lot of things, rough trigger, cylinder stop, frame, pivot pins, springs, plungers etc. Let us know what you find. Ken