Smith & Wesson Classic Revolvers


I am currently starting a collection of Smith & Wesson Classic revolvers. I have the following M17, M36, M48, M57 and M586. I see on their web site that they currently have 9 models and 4 have two different barrel lengths. What I would like to know is what models were originally offered under the classic line of revolvers. Thanks Frank


AGI has a dvd on the history of Smith and Wesson. It may have some info that might be helpful. Easton Ford


Roy Jinks. Top guy in S&W collecting and has a number of books out too. Get a copy of the Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, it’s not going to be everything you need but it’s a good start. I’m pretty sure Jinks did the S&W Collectors Handbook, which covers the revolvers from first models through WWII and it’s a great resource if you can find it used. Smith and Wesson Collectors Association does a journal which is a great resource too.

My go to websites for S&W collecting:
