
Hi, just wondering if anyone has any experience with the SX3 triggers: this one is very difficult to pull, about ten pounds. Any suggestions on a way to lighten without getting into trouble due to wrecking parts?


It’s a semi-auto. Jeff


I have an SX3 in 20 ga, but it has a pretty decent trigger pull. The trigger return spring on mine is just under 4 pounds and the trigger pull is about 5 1/2 almost 6 pounds. Is the gun new? May need some breaking in. Mine loosened up after a bit. I would first look for something other than the sear engagement making it pull hard. Check the pull weight in the fired position, should just be the return spring weight. If it’s the sear engagement, I would start with a light stone and polish on the hammer’s sear engagement surface as you can easily get to that without taking it out and then see what it does. Be careful not to change the angle on it. I believe this system requires a good amount of sear engagement and needs to be more positive than most. Most fire control parts are probably restricted. RES


What Res said. Ken